Learning Styles and Online Education

As educators know, all students learn differently.  Therefore, it is important for the teacher to tailor his class toward every student in the class.  This can be a daunting task, so it is important to recognize that most students fall under one or several of the following genres of learners:
  • visual/verbal learners: These students learn best when there is both a verbal and visual presentation of information.  Online courses work really well for these learners since information can be presented both visually and in written form using a variety of mediums.
  • visual/nonverbal learners: Students who fall under this category of learner learns best when information is presented visually.  They benefit from instruction that uses lecture along with videos, pictures, graphics, graphic organizers, etc.  These students are usually your artistic students.  Online courses also work well for students who are visual/nonverbal learners because there are a variety of mediums to visually present information in the online courses including videos, graphs, charts, etc.
  • auditory/verbal:  Students who are auditory/verbal learners learn best from hearing a lecture or discussing a topic with other classmates.  These students are your students who benefit from listening to text being read to them, including books on tape.  "Online learning environments can complement these learners' style. Although most information is presented visually (either written or graphically), group participation and collaborative activities are accomplished well online. In addition, streaming audio and computer conferencing can be incorporated into an online course to best meet the learning style of these students."
  • tactile/kinesthetic:  Students who are kinesthetic learners learn best from hands-on activities.  They learn information by manipulating materials and physically participating in activities that help them learn the information they are learning.  "Online environments can provide learning opportunities for tactile/kinesthetic learners. Simulations with 3-Dimensional graphics can replicate physical demonstrations.  Lab sessions can be conducted either at predetermined locations or at home and then discussed online. Also, outside fieldwork can be incorporated into the coursework, with ample online discussion both preceding and following the experience."

According to the Illinois Online Network, "Because learners have different learning styles or a combination of styles, online educators should design activities that address their modes of learning in order to provide significant experiences for each class participant."

All information found at Illinois Online Network:  Supporting Online Education Throughout the World in an article entitled "Instructional Design:  Learning Styles and the Online Environment."

If you would like to find out what your or your students' learning style is, take this quiz.